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The Democratic Party Had Lost Its Soul
Published on February 20, 2004 By aconservative In Democrat
I was Democrat once. I was a Kennedy Democrat. Not the current Kennedy from Massachusetts. His brother was President who said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

Today you can’t get any Democrat candidate to say these words in public. Why? The reason is, it is against the playbook of the Democratic Party. It is against liberalism – hiding as socialism.

Ask the Democrat Senator from Georgia, Senator Zell Miller? Read his book – The Conscience of a Conservative Democrat. It will tell you that the present Democratic Party has lost it’s soul.

Let me give you examples – liberals please prove to me I am wrong.

a. New Jersey’s law prohibits electing any candidate who did not register before the stated date. During the last senatorial voting it was violated quoting that it was the people’s right. They choose a retired candidate and he won. He is sitting as a senator today.

b. Socialist leaning senator from Minnesota was killed in a plane crush. Minnesota has the same law that candidates must adhere to the prescribed registration date. Again they chose a retired candidate and this time the people know better. He lost. Again the liberals violated the law quoting the same reason – people’s right.

c. Massachusetts Supreme Court created a law that would permit gays to marry. However in California the state constitution prohibits marriage unless it is a man and a woman. California liberals lead by the Mayor of San Francisco started issuing marriage licenses to gays. As of this writing over 3000 gay marriages had been perform. The reason – the constitution as it is written violates gay rights.

If you took civics in grade school, there are provisions in our government where you can go to the courts, The liberals followed all three of them but the sitting judges are also liberals. So who to you think won? The liberals of course.

Liberals do not respect the constitution as our founding fathers wrote it. They say that the constitution is a living document and can be changed anytime by the courts.

But my civics teacher, Mrs Everett said that only the legislative branch of government can make laws, the courts and the executive branches can not make laws. So why are the courts making laws like abortion, women’s rights, environment, etc. Granted that the courts interpret the constitution a different way, should that interpretation be given to the legislative branch, have them debate it then have them enact it into law, before it becomes a law?

Poor Mrs. Everett, a Democrat, she must be turning in her grave. Sorry, ma’am, now you know why I quit the Democrat Party.

Comments (Page 6)
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on Jun 10, 2004
I'd vote for a Democrat, but not Kerry. He's an ass.
on Jun 10, 2004
on Jun 10, 2004
on Jun 10, 2004
"Liberals do not respect the constitution as our founding fathers wrote it. They say that the constitution is a living document and can be changed anytime by the courts."
LMAO! Bush is a Democrat?
on Jun 11, 2004
As a middle class independent, I appreciate everyones comments. My biggest problem is classifying myself with a party. Some republicans are ok. Some democrats are ok. And, some other parties (ind, green) are ok. There are parts of every party that are appealing. One thing that I do know is that George Bush must go. Maybe John Kerry isn't an ideal candidate, but who is? He doesn't come across as funny as Reagan or as average as Bush, but he is qualified. The fact that Bush had the opportunity to unite the country and gain world support is the sole reason he should be fired. For the first time, even China sympathized with the United States. But, as you all know, the Bush administration played cowboy, blasted into Iraq, and thumbed thier nose at the world. This resulted in hatred toward the US, and created more patient terrorists.

So please... Even if you vote republican for every other branch of office, do not vote for Bush in November. This guy scares me by bringing his religon to our government, his agenda to our soldiers, and his tax cuts to his friends. If you can't vote for Kerry, at least vote Nader or don't vote. We can't have a cowboy in the Whitehouse for another four years. With no election over his head, and no chance that Cheney will ever run, there is nothing preventing these guys from destroying our way of life. Remember when America offered an opportunity for people to work hard and be rewarded. When people could work their way up? Well, unfortunately, this is going away under this administration. For example, the high job growth is service jobs, like Walmart. Low wage, no overtime jobs. In addition, companies are rewarded for outsourcing their corporate offices so that they are not taxed.

And for the doubters, I urge you to listen to Randi Rhodes on Air America: http://www.airamericaradio.com/bin/mediaPlayer.cfm ... Her show starts at 3 PM EST. It is an enlightening experience. I've tried to prove her wrong, but her facts are solid. I urge you to call in and talk with her. Also, I recommend the O'Franken factor which starts at noon EST. But, if you like facts, Randi is the source.
on Jun 11, 2004

I'd be happy not to vote for Bush. However, the Democrats fucked up and chose Kerry as their best man. So many better candidates they could have chosen, but it seemed to me that the Democrats said: "Fuck it. Let's not even try to win this time." and chose Kerry.

Also... Air America is the Michael Moore of radio. That'd be like Rush Limbaugh having his own news station.

on Jun 11, 2004
Saiyan, who, in your apparently well educated opinion, would have been better than Kerry?
on Jun 11, 2004
Well, anybody who never faked a protest and had some actual beliefs besides "not Bush." I hear Gore is a quack, but he doesn't appear to be as dishonest or indecisive as Kerry, and even his environmental views aren't something that bother me. I don't know much about Democrats, but pretty much anybody else (except for Howard Dean and that guy who reminds me of Carter).
on Jun 11, 2004
Well first off, i noticed the huge time difference between the february and the recent vote for who post...

well i have one question off for aconservative as i read this topic...

what ethnicity r you? i just want to know that.

plus i want to know why kerry is so gored by lots of members of the democratic party? give me VALID reasons, and not assumptions
on Jun 11, 2004
i am a demorcrat , but i think howard dean stinks. i think kerry is better than bush ,but i think the demorcratic party
could have pick someone better!
on Jul 09, 2004
Kennedy must be restless in his grave knowing you were a Kennedy Democrat. You take the route of Zell Miller who betrayed his party and entered the Senate under false pretenses. Happy landing, turncoat.
on Feb 23, 2008

Ask the Democrat Senator from Georgia, Senator Zell Miller? Read his book – The Conscience of a Conservative Democrat. It will tell you that the present Democratic Party has lost it’s soul.
I suppose he should know since he lost his own!

on Feb 23, 2008

OOPs!  I'm not paying attention. I didn't realize this was posted  two years ago--didn't even notice my own '04 comment above. I'm a loser.

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