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The Democratic Party Had Lost Its Soul
Published on February 20, 2004 By aconservative In Democrat
I was Democrat once. I was a Kennedy Democrat. Not the current Kennedy from Massachusetts. His brother was President who said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

Today you can’t get any Democrat candidate to say these words in public. Why? The reason is, it is against the playbook of the Democratic Party. It is against liberalism – hiding as socialism.

Ask the Democrat Senator from Georgia, Senator Zell Miller? Read his book – The Conscience of a Conservative Democrat. It will tell you that the present Democratic Party has lost it’s soul.

Let me give you examples – liberals please prove to me I am wrong.

a. New Jersey’s law prohibits electing any candidate who did not register before the stated date. During the last senatorial voting it was violated quoting that it was the people’s right. They choose a retired candidate and he won. He is sitting as a senator today.

b. Socialist leaning senator from Minnesota was killed in a plane crush. Minnesota has the same law that candidates must adhere to the prescribed registration date. Again they chose a retired candidate and this time the people know better. He lost. Again the liberals violated the law quoting the same reason – people’s right.

c. Massachusetts Supreme Court created a law that would permit gays to marry. However in California the state constitution prohibits marriage unless it is a man and a woman. California liberals lead by the Mayor of San Francisco started issuing marriage licenses to gays. As of this writing over 3000 gay marriages had been perform. The reason – the constitution as it is written violates gay rights.

If you took civics in grade school, there are provisions in our government where you can go to the courts, The liberals followed all three of them but the sitting judges are also liberals. So who to you think won? The liberals of course.

Liberals do not respect the constitution as our founding fathers wrote it. They say that the constitution is a living document and can be changed anytime by the courts.

But my civics teacher, Mrs Everett said that only the legislative branch of government can make laws, the courts and the executive branches can not make laws. So why are the courts making laws like abortion, women’s rights, environment, etc. Granted that the courts interpret the constitution a different way, should that interpretation be given to the legislative branch, have them debate it then have them enact it into law, before it becomes a law?

Poor Mrs. Everett, a Democrat, she must be turning in her grave. Sorry, ma’am, now you know why I quit the Democrat Party.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Feb 26, 2004
to aconservative:
so i guess you're never ever going to respond to zoomba's point or the "what if a candidate dies" question i asked above?

Mr Kerry is also very, very rich. But when he stands before you, he promises to tax the rich. Would you really believe that – taxing your own kind?

=cough= =cough= FDR =cough= =cough=

Reply #43 By: voodoostation - 2/25/2004 10:22:30 PM

I kinda wish we were separate. I so long to fence you liberal, civilization destroying, mind warping, self-destructionists in, I would gladly spend the rest of my days pounding fenceposts so as to not hear your rhetoric.

that's kinda sad. most americans would die to defend your right to free speech.
on Feb 26, 2004

jeblackstar -

I congratulate you for your success in this country. I would like to pay my share of taxes too, The only problem about the "Taxing the Rich" mantra is this country of ours tax our "income" and not our assets.

Mr Kerry states he will tax the rich. He has not defined the term rich. Some say rich is anybody above middle class. I wish these "balderdash" players define rich and middle class, quantitatively, so we the common people can understand.

Don't you not think so?

Have a nice one!

To: Aarom Brandt

Well said. France was a member of our World War II coalition. The French landed in France marched to Paris and disbanded. Then they appeared in Berlin as part of the military police forces.

During the Berlin Blockade not a single French airplane flew to help. It was done, single handedly, by GI Joe.

The Germans, forget the atrocities. The Marshall Plan saved them from starving. The Marshall Plan was not a coalition. It was pure US food distributed to the Berliners.

Pres Reagan went to Berlin and told Gorbachev - "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" and the commies complied. No shots were fired.

That's what you call conservative diplomacy.

on Feb 26, 2004
Russellmz2 -

I'll answer your questions - What if the candidate dies.

Missesota is a state of many parties all of them had somebody running for senator. The democratic party do not have the sole rights to place their candidate into the Minnesota ballot. That holds true with every State of the Union. We do not have a 2 party system - only progressives, socialists, etc. do.

These are the political parties of Minnesota who had their Senatorial candidates in the ballat for US Senator.

Communist Party of Minnesota
Constitution Party of Minnesota
Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (DFL)
Green Party of Minnesota
Independence Party of Minnesota (IP)
Independent American Party of Minnesota
Liberal Party of Minnesota
Libertarian Party of Minnesota
Natural Law Party of Minnesota
New Union Party
Progressive Minnesota (The New Party)
Reform Party of Minnesota
Republican Party of Minnesota

Why don't explain. quantitatively, how you define rich? Please do not avoid a reply.

on Feb 26, 2004
you never actually explained what the rules are for when a party candidate dies. or answered zoomba's point. does his name just stay on the ticket?

my definition is probably the same as your definition: wealthy. i obviously don't have a single set figure since with inflation, family size, assets, cash, 401k's, ira's, trust funds, etc. a single number would be useless.

i think we both agree both fdr and kerry were/are rich.

That's what you call conservative diplomacy.

the marshall plan and berlin airlift were under truman.

During the Berlin Blockade not a single French airplane flew to help. It was done, single handedly, by GI Joe.

what are you talking about? where are you getting this information? the us provided the bulk of the effort but our allies helped out.

according to U.S. Air Forces in Europe web site

# flights
USA 189,963
UK 87,841
France 424

#passengers in/out
USA 25,263/37,486
UK 34,815/130,091
France 10,000 (not separated as in/out, just a number listed)

total cargo in short tons
USA 1,783,573
UK 541,937
France 896
Well said. France was a member of our World War II coalition. The French landed in France marched to Paris and disbanded. Then they appeared in Berlin as part of the military police forces.
timeline of 1944 france captures paris in august 1944 after that you can hit ctrl-f to find the word french, and you read a brief summary of some of the things they did. 1945 same thing, you can find other stuff the french did.
on Feb 27, 2004

1. ''We really do not have a glitch because of the fact that our Supreme Court recognizes the American rule -- that votes cast for a dead person are not to be treated as thrown away but as an expression of the will of the voters,'' - Oklahoma Supreme Court.

2. Yes - Truman was a Democrat. Like JFK (Kennedy not Kerry) - he was a conservative. If he was a liberal like, the guy who ignored the embassy in Iran, the guy who lobed a few missiles to an aspirin factory and refused from the government of Sudan the offer of Bin Laden's head, then he would not have dropped the bomb?

3. The French did n't do a thing, believe me. Look at your stats - 189,963 to 424. The planes they flew were American made. They did it to hold the seat of their Military Police roaming around Berlin.

4. Why don't you not research Dien Bien Phu - that triggered the Vietnan War? The French can't fight - only talk.

Thanks for your input anyway.

a conservative
on Feb 27, 2004

P. S.

The democrats elected a dead candidate to the US Senate in 2000 - remember? His name was Mel Carnahan. The governor of that state appointed his wife to take his place.

Very amazing what democrats will do!

on Feb 27, 2004
The democrats elected a dead candidate to the US Senate in 2000 - remember? His name was Mel Carnahan. The governor of that state appointed his wife to take his place.

Not that amazing; his opponent was John Ashcroft, the embodiment of conservative evil.
on Feb 27, 2004
4. Why don't you not research Dien Bien Phu - that triggered the Vietnan War? The French can't fight - only talk

ummm, Nooo, the war was triggered by multiple events starting at the beginning of the twentieth century, it came to a head after the second world war when the various colonies in Southeast Asia declared their independence from Japan and their colonial oppressors. The French did fight, alot, and hard, but when it became obvious that they were losing, they called in the Americans. Bad idea for us by the way.

And since Mel Carnahan's election was, as far as I know, the first election of a "dead" man to the United States Senate, I think that speaks far more of how bad Ashcroft is, then how strange the Democrats are.

on Feb 27, 2004
Reply #65 By: aconservative - 2/27/2004 9:56:20 AM


1. ''We really do not have a glitch because of the fact that our Supreme Court recognizes the American rule -- that votes cast for a dead person are not to be treated as thrown away but as an expression of the will of the voters,'' - Oklahoma Supreme Court.

2. Yes - Truman was a Democrat. Like JFK (Kennedy not Kerry) - he was a conservative. If he was a liberal like, the guy who ignored the embassy in Iran, the guy who lobed a few missiles to an aspirin factory and refused from the government of Sudan the offer of Bin Laden's head, then he would not have dropped the bomb?

3. The French did n't do a thing, believe me. Look at your stats - 189,963 to 424. The planes they flew were American made. They did it to hold the seat of their Military Police roaming around Berlin.

4. Why don't you not research Dien Bien Phu - that triggered the Vietnan War? The French can't fight - only talk.

Thanks for your input anyway.

a conservative

1. "b. Socialist leaning senator from Minnesota was killed in a plane crush. Minnesota has the same law that candidates must adhere to the prescribed registration date. Again they chose a retired candidate and this time the people know better. He lost. Again the liberals violated the law quoting the same reason – people’s right."

oklahoma election law doesn't apply to minnesota. which is your complaint in your original article.

and you never responded to the point zoomba made.

2. truman a conservative? seriously, where are you getting this info? he wanted to expand the new deal:

"An elaborate articulation of the New Deal heritage which he called the Fair Deal (civil rights, aid to education, national health insurance, public housing, a reformulated agriculture program) was mostly blocked by conservative opposition in Congress during his second term. "

3. "The French did n't do a thing, believe me. Look at your stats - 189,963 to 424."

see, the reason i don't believe you when you say the french "did n't do a thing" is BECAUSE i did look at the stats. i posted them remember? 424 flights and 10,000 people does not equal not a thing. you also said that "It was done, single handedly, by GI Joe." which was not true.

4. because you were talking about WWII, that's why. "The French landed in France marched to Paris and disbanded". that was also false.

the fact that you moan about the quality of modern education and then post this easily proven false information is amazing. then when shown that these facts are wrong you move the conversation to some other topic where you feel you're on better ground. i show you wrote something wrong about the french in wwii and suddenly you jump to the french in vietnam. i show you were wrong about how the us flew in the berlin airlift alone and suddenly it's a complaint that the french didn't do enough (and no mention at all about the huge uk effort).

on Feb 28, 2004

You said:

"An elaborate articulation of the New Deal heritage which he called the Fair Deal (civil rights, aid to education, national health insurance, public housing, a reformulated agriculture program) was mostly blocked by conservative opposition in Congress during his second term. "

My reply:

The civil rights act was passed because there were more republicans than democrats who voted for its passing. Credit should be given to where it is due. Clinton said that he was responsible for eliminating welfare. He vetoed it twice. Republicans did.

You said:

. "The French did n't do a thing, believe me. Look at your stats - 189,963 to 424."

see, the reason i don't believe you when you say the french "did n't do a thing" is BECAUSE i did look at the stats. i posted them remember? 424 flights and 10,000 people does not equal not a thing. you also said that "It was done, single handedly, by GI Joe." which was not true.

My reply:

If you convert those stats to hours and minuyes, what they contributed was less than 50% of a second. That is nothing. May be I am wrong but my knowledge of World War II told me that there were no French troops (a fregiment or more) that fought in Germany. They were given a sector of Germany to occupy but as far as I know that was a freebie based on the Casablanca and Tehran conferences to please De Gaulle. Maybe I am wrong. If I am I need to be corrected.

What I know is - the French under Petain retreated to Africa when Germany occupied their country. When the US and England invated Morocco, the French under Petain fought the Allies but they (the French) were easily annihilated.

on Feb 28, 2004
you said truman was a conservative. i said he wasn't and gave evidence. i also accused you of "when shown that these facts are wrong you move the conversation to some other topic where you feel you're on better ground."

acon's reply:
The civil rights act was passed because there were more republicans than democrats who voted for its passing. Credit should be given to where it is due. Clinton said that he was responsible for eliminating welfare. He vetoed it twice. Republicans did.

so from you saying truman is conservative we get the civil rights act over a decade after truman's presidency to clinton and welfare reform in the 90s.

...there were more republicans than democrats who voted for its passing...

actually, there were more democrats voted than republicans who voted for its passing. if you were talking percentage wise, then yes. but you need to add that word in or else you are wrong.

R 136-35
D 153-91
(i looked at a couple sources and some were off by 2 or 3 votes, not sure which one is accurate so take this one with a grain of salt: i got it off this site)

by the way, a lot of the democrats voting against the civil rights act were southern conservatives. word association time: a southern conservative today is most likely in the __________ party. quick, what political party just popped into your head?

If you convert those stats to hours and minuyes, what they contributed was less than 50% of a second. That is nothing.

50% of a second is significantly higher than "It was done, single handedly, by GI Joe" and "not a single french plane flew" and "not a single French airplane flew to help". so your claim that the french did 0 is false. you then re-state your argument as: percentage-wise, the french did not do as much as the us and uk, which is correct. then you go back to saying "That is nothing". allow me my own little tangent: the number of polish to american troops was 200,000 compared to millions of us troops on the western front in wwii. would you argue that the polish did nothing?

May be I am wrong but my knowledge of World War II told me that there were no French troops (a fregiment or more) that fought in Germany.

you're switching arguments again. before you said they disbanded. now they need to fight in germany in regiment strength. they crossed the rhine after fighting in the colmar pocket after the battle of the bulge. the history is vague since there were no huge bulge-scale battles but a steady advance through germany over a few weeks. the criteria you set also ignores the fighting that was occurring outside germany after the liberation of paris (colmar pocket, german offensive in Alsace, german garrisons who refused to surrender, etc.).

During the last week of March both the U.S. Seventh and First French Armies crossed the Rhine. The stage was set for the final act.

mentions a couple units that "participating in the final campaign in Germany"
on Feb 28, 2004


I have to apologize for my statement about the French not going to Germany. My core beliefs tell me that I should apologize if I am misunderstood. Unlike those who can’t, support their statements and hide behind their egos.

What I was really referring to is the French as a “Fighting Force”, The 3rd US Army under Patton crossed the Rhine River in March while the 7th US Army and the French did it in August. Do you agree with this statement?

Maybe your history books do mention the French Army as a fighting force. Pre-war yes but not during WW II. I would like to know what major battles were they engaged in (just by themselves) during the liberation of Europe and won – example - The Battle of Bastogne . Please give me the name of the engagement and the date..



on Feb 28, 2004
acon, i am going to make this last post and then go away forever. but please, in the future, carefully read posts you respond to:

you probably meant "april", not "august", but even so they went over in "march".

by the by, "In the south the U.S. Seventh Army and the First French Army fought their way through the freezing rain and snow of the Vosges Mountains to break out onto the Alsatian plain around Strasbourg, becoming the only Allied armies to reach the Rhine in 1944.". source

the words french are highlighted for you.

May 13--French Expeditionary Corps penetrates Gustav Line.
June 17--French force lands on Elba
Aug. 28--French complete capture of Toulon-Marseille area.
Nov. 20--French First Army breaks into Belfort.
Nov. 23--French troops with United States Seventh Army take Strasbourg.

Jan. 20--French First Army begins offensive in Alsace-Lorraine against Colmar pocket.
Feb. 9--French First Army completes reduction of Colmar pocket.
March 31--French First Army crosses Rhine near Speyer and Germersheim.

i have no idea why you want a battle "by themselves" but:
"The XV Corps's French 2nd Armored Division attacked towards Strasbourg and entered the city on 23 November. "

although under a us army, it was french themselves in the attack.

the us 7th and french first armies crossed the rhine at the same time, but the 7th crossing still counts as military effort even if they didn't do it by themselves.
on Jun 10, 2004
on Jun 10, 2004
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