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Could Have Prevented 9-11
Published on April 12, 2004 By aconservative In Democrat

It involved a President Commission presided by Vice President Gore on how to prevent terrorist in using airplanes to conduct terrorism. It was not implemented because the decision makers decided that it involved “racial profiling”.

Now tell that to the 9-11 families who lost their love ones and are on the verge of blaming Bush.

Clinton administration had a plan, devised by Al Gore, but it was rejected because it involved “racial profiling”. That’s the secret the libs don’t want anybody to know. Does this show that safety of Americans come first? Or does this show that safety of Americans comes after those who are social activists?

In 1996, the CIA warned Clinton about the existence of the “Martyrdom Battalion”. Their mission was to use hijack planes as missiles against American targets. That’s how “Operation Bojinka” was born.

From Albright, Cohen, and the rest of the Clinton staff, they raised their hands testifying that they did their best. Clinton testified in secret so no one will ever know. Al Gore as head of the Operation Bojinka presidential commission will be testifying and I hope the 9-11 committee will get the entire truth why Operation Bojinka was never implemented. Furthermore, I don’t see why private citizen Clinton and Gore should appear in secret.

on Apr 12, 2004
Because Private Citizen Clinton and Gore had access to material which is still considered classified, further, the questions which they would be asked would pertain to that classified material, file a petition under FIA and see what you get.

on Apr 12, 2004
what is the big bang
on Apr 12, 2004
The Big Bang is supposedly the meaning of "Bojinka".

All that the commission members will ask them is about "Operation Bojinka". If Bush can declassifty his PDB then there should not be a problem in declassifying Clinton"s.


on Jun 01, 2004
Hitler burned the Reichstag. Bush destroyed the WTC. They both served as pretexts to declaring martial law. It's pretty obvious to the Real Americans. Read The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich. The amerinazis (conservatives) are obviously using Hitler's game book.

In Jesus' Glorious and Holy name,
Dean Berry
Real American
on Jun 01, 2004
If Clinton knew about it then of course his predecessor Bush Sr, head of the CIA, knew about it. How come Bush didn't do something? As usual you amerinazis only think things through enough to "exonerate" yourselves. I love being right.

In Jesus' Glorious and Holy name,
Dean Berry
Real American