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Because I Hated Bush!
Published on March 3, 2004 By aconservative In Democrat
My daughter invited me Tuesday evening to watch the election returns from Super Tuesday. She is Democrat and she voted for Edwards. There were about 10 couples in the group of which majority were for Kerry.

I am always interested in finding out why one votes for a certain candidate. When I asked those who voted for Kerry, all of them replied because they hated Bush. Some of the reasons they gave me were – the normal liberal playbook answers. He is taking the country to an opposite direction. He invaded Iraq to retaliate when Saddam Hussein tried to assassinate his father. There is a lot of people without jobs. Tax rebate for the rich. He is not funding the “No Kid Left Behind”.

I did not try to argue with these answers, because I know it could only come from somebody higher. These were not caused by their own research or knowledge of current events. It came from a playbook. And what amazed me is – they are all professional people with the ability to think.

But if one analyzes their answer – Because they hate Bush, I suddenly realized that their hatred to Pres Bush has more weight that what Kerry or Edwards had offered them as a reason for voting. If this is not case, their answer should have been because Kerry or Edwards will do this or this or this or this.

During the lengthy campaign, Kerry had promised a lot of things – that he will tax the rich; that he will place the US Armed Forces under the UN, the preparedness gap, and many more.

So as I was driving home, I question why those who voted for him are not vocal about what he will do for the country or for them. Are they not proud of what Kerry will do for them? For the country? If they would have asked me why I am voting for Bush, I would have discussed a whole list of his accomplishments and they are many. Liberals may question the veracity of this statement, because in their eyes if what Bush did does not include money flowing for the benefit of unions and lawyers, then it is not an accomplishment.

To me this President does not flip and then flop. He knows the meaning of consistency!


Comments (Page 4)
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on Jun 11, 2004
gastank2 didnt u post in one topic how you hated liberals and would build fencepost around them to not listen to their rhetoric?

and now your saying conservatives are trash and liberals are smart? i guess little kids always change their minds on who to support and affiliate with and who not to..
on Jun 11, 2004
no i am a liberal ! when i joined someone that i don't know had the name gastank.
but people do change their minds , like aconservative he was a demorcrat and he switch to the stupid republican party!
why be a republican president bush likes to spend money we don't have & start wars when we are already righting
on Jun 11, 2004
sorry i wanted to put fighting not righting
on Sep 07, 2004
the only things against kerry that the republicans have is a PAST lack of military and anti-terrorism spending. well hate to break it to you republicans but bush did the same....RIGHT BEFORE 9/11!!! which was probably staged by him nways. but speeking from a strictly mainstream media printed viewpoint - he cut spending to anti-terrorism units and is, as we speak, cutting pay to our young people in combat over seas as well as reducing benefits to those who have given of themselves in previous wars. perhaps these budget cuts wouldnt be needed if bush hadnt called for massive tax cuts that benefited mostly the upper class (his campaign contributers). maybe these budget cuts wouldnt be necessary if he had not, on TOP of getting rid of our budget surplus through tax cuts, gone into another country unprovoked - a country who never threatened or hurt us by the way and started a war without having a plan as to how we were going to leave the country.

so you think kerry will cut spending? please!! he said that he would increase benefits for injured veterans and he is NOT weak on terrorism. he went into this war saying we are going into iraq to stop sadam hussein who is harboring al quida (whos leader osama bin laden by the way hated hussein) and to get his weapons of mass destruction (be they chemical or nuclear).

when did this focus change from terrorist hunting and weapons destruction to freeing the iraqi people? ill tell you when!! when his lie was found out and the ignorant and unthinking american people began thinking well wait a min. here. the saudis give waaaaaaay more money to terrorist and iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the world....bush + presidency = opportunity to take iraqi oil? i think soooooooooo. so here we have a lying, betraying bush regarding war and defense spending. THEN he starts on our civil liberties. we have our lovely proposed constitutional ammendment banning gay marriage as well as the patriot act and department of homeland security. we have our lax environtmental restrictions for big bus. factories (once again for bush leading contributers who make up a VERY small percentage of our countries population). we have our corporate accounting and executive frauds. lovely as well seeing as how the man who gave the most to his 2000 campaign got the money from us, the american people, when he FUCKING STOLE IT FROM ENRON INVESTRORS!!! not like bush would care neway since when you go back and look at all of his lovely harken scandals and previous bus. fraud he would appear as guilty as the rest of them.

but wait! does it stop there? i think not!
now we have halliburtan (sp?) - the company of our dearest vice pres cheney which just so haaaappened to recieve over 1.66 outa 1.99 billion dollars of ALL the american and iraqi contracts in iraq.

the american gov is just one big cash cow to the bush family and its friends and while some ....hmm...many ill informed republicans may blindly believe that our president is right in saying that kerry cant handle national security in a way that ensures the safety of the american people - id honestly rather have a pres that does nothing but maintain the american way of life rather than improve it (as kerry is accused of doing) than a pres. who blatantly rips us off, lies to us and gets us deeper and deeper into trouble with the international community.

as for education? Millions of 8-year-olds are given lists of words and phrases. they are then graded. then the children scoring lowly have the option of being sent to another school where they can do better? riiiiiiight. it never happens. the money that was supposed to go towards this plan went to end the inheritance tax giving rich peoples kids a few more million in money when they die essentially making it the no child whos parents make at least 7 digits a year are left behind act. then what happens? the kids who are tested as not being well enough educated are locked in. there are no "optional schools" for them to attend unlike bush who attended Philips Andover Academy where even with the help of some of the countries finest teachers he, upon graduation, managed only to score a 25 outa 100 on the air national guards test. yes ladies and gents - almost to stupid to be allowed to operate on or in an airplane.

hes not even the one who truly makes the decisions. i dont know if you are all aware of this or not but bush has never EVER been on television or to an interview where his responses and have not been scripted by his staff before hand and even THEN he fucks up.

hes a joke. neone willing to do their home work would see that. i dont especially agree with all that kerry says but compared to bush - nething is better
on Sep 07, 2004
More proud Americans voted for Gore; don't forget that. And as far as campaigning goes, nothing is dirtier than using pictures of the destruction of the World Trade Center for political gain.

Yeah and it didn't do them much good now did it?

Identify what is bad against Bush and let's debate them - let's compare his actions aginst what your candidate's actions should have been based on his voting record in the Senate or against the records of Johnson, Carter and Clinton.

Johnson, Carter, and Clinton are irrelevant, unless you're prepared to defend Nixon. In the meantime, joeuser.com is rife with my complaints about Bush. You know what the Democrats' beef with the President is.

You COMPLETELY avoided what this person was asking! Typical Democratic knee-jerk reaction! So I'll ask once again and see if you can possibly answer this time. And please try to do it intelligently.
Identify what is bad against Bush and let's debate them - let's compare his actions aginst what your candidate's actions should have been based on his voting record in the Senate
on Sep 07, 2004
nothing is dirtier than using pictures of the destruction of the World Trade Center for political gain.

Can you answer me this....why shouldn't he use those pictures? The Democrats just "love" to shove his face in the fact that it happened while he (G.W.Bush) was president.
on Sep 07, 2004
Reply #12 By: jeblackstar - 3/5/2004 2:10:50 PM
Alrighty then aconservative, how about this, why did most republicans vote against Clinton the second time? Because they hated him. And to be honest it was a pettier hate than democrats feel towards Bush. After all, Clinton only lied about Sex. How many men in the United States have lied about Sex? Admittedly, most of us lie about having More Sex than we really do, but alot of us have lied about it.

Yeah but how many of us lie on the stand? If you or I did that we'd be in jail, you betcha!
on Sep 07, 2004
on Sep 07, 2004
I'm voting for Kerry simply to send a message to Washington, we the people will not settle for a totalitarian government who holds moot certain inalienable rights for the sake of our "freedom", we do not believe Pax Americana exists as no singular government holds the power to grant "world peace", and that we the people will no longer be coerced into posits that are detrimental to the U.S. and the world at large with lies and deceit.
on Sep 07, 2004
"When we elect a President, we are electing a decision maker - one that adheres to his convictions. If he does something, he believes that - that something is for the good of all Americans. Not all may agree - liberal won't agree, but in his conviction he made the right decision. That's the trait of a decision maker - especially if he wants to be a Commander-in-Chief."

Actually a good president will flip flop on issues for one reason I do not vote to put someone in office to do what he wants and thinks is right> He is put in office to do what the people of america think is wrong and right. The problem with all the people in politics right now is they have forgotton that they are servents to the people not them selves. If your constituants think a different way than you do and you vote your way you are a bad repersenative of the people. I believe the politicians might wanna reread a little thing that gives them power I believe it starts out "We the People" not "We the Few that are Elected"

Note I am voting for Bush cause he is the closests of all the canidates to my beliefs hes not 100% but hes the closests over Kerry, Nadar, and Badnarik.
on Sep 07, 2004
I'm voting for Kerry simply to send a message to Washington, we the people will not settle for a totalitarian government who holds moot certain inalienable rights for the sake of our "freedom", we do not believe Pax Americana exists as no singular government holds the power to grant "world peace", and that we the people will no longer be coerced into posits that are detrimental to the U.S. and the world at large with lies and deceit.

So you support a candidate who already wants to oppress free speech, good show, jolly good show there buck-o. As for totalitarian, do we know what a true totalitarian goverment is, do we, bet we wouldn't be able to eat our favorite kind of breakfast cereal, not to mention access the internet, or see news from around the globe.

I have said it before and will keep saying it until it sinks in: Remember the words of George Washington who said to "forswear excessive party spirit" and think from a more objective view than this, cause to me it looks subjective. We don't need to muddy the waters of politics even more, it's time we cleaned the waters so we can see the bottom of the lake.
on Sep 07, 2004
My friend, it's time we got out of the lake.
on Sep 07, 2004
Here are some reasons not to vote for bush:

1) He has spent an incredible amount of money. On everything. While cutting taxes. you can cut taxes or you can spend money. but you cannot do both.

2) he does not care about the environment. he may not have done anything that is terribly bad for the environment. i don't really know. but you can't argue that other candidates would do more for the environment, simply because they care more.

3) many believe he mishandled the Iraq war. he did not have a clear plan to set up a self sufficient ruling body and leave as soon as possible.

4) he wants an ammendment to ban gay marriage.
on Sep 07, 2004
i apologize for the repeat replies. my browser wasnt working correctly
on Sep 07, 2004
once again, sorry.
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