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Kerry Criticized the President
Published on March 2, 2004 By aconservative In Politics
I was doing my normal morning treadmill exercise and at the same time watching the Democrats debate prior to super Tuesday. When asked about Haiti, Candidate Kerry replied “He's late, as usual. This president always makes decisions late after things have happened that could have been different had the president made a different decision earlier.”

When pressed to explain his position, he said, “Well, first of all, I never would have allowed it to get out of control the way it did. This administration empowered the insurgents, and it empowered -- look, Aristide... I'll tell you precisely how, but first let me say this. President Aristide has made plenty of mistakes, and his police have run amok, and other things have happened, I understand that. But the fact is that, by giving to the insurgents the power to veto an agreement, they effectively said, Unless you two reach an agreement on the sharing of power, we're not going to provide aid and assistance. So he empowered the insurgents to say, No, we're not going to reach agreement. And they continued to battle, continued to have no services provided in Haiti, and then it started to spiral downwards. So the result is that you almost inevitably had the clash that you have today. And innocent Haitians, the people of Haiti, deserved better than that over the course of the last year.

Let’s analyze what he said.

He said that the Bush administration empowered the insurgents because the Bush administration wanted Aristide and the rebels to make an agreement of sharing power and as a result the insurgents virtually said no and continued to fight.

I find this statement very troubling, if this is Mr Kerry’s example of his foreign policy. First of all in a democracy, the people has the sole power. Not the ruler. Only socialist countries like Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea and China are countries where the rulers have the power.

Mr Kerry admitted that Pres Aristide made plenty of mistakes. And that’s the reason why the Haitians are angry, because of those mistakes. Isn’t it logical to insist that those mistakes be corrected in order to have peace? Mr Kerry never mentioned that those mistakes should be corrected.

I am assuming that Mr Kerry would like Mr Bush to follow just like what Mr Clinton did when Pres Aristide was in trouble the first time. Mr Clinton restored him to power in 1994 by sending 23,000 American troops to Haiti spending $2.3 billion of our hard earned money. But Mr Aristide, a socialist, never corrected or wanted to correct his mistakes. Mr Clinton’s action was a mistake because Aristide did not change, yet Mr Kerry say’s “let’s do it again”.

What do you think?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 03, 2004
Oh, and I could call myself the leader of the Christian Capitalist Democratic Party, and be a dictator, dictators just like to use names which give them an air of legitimacy.

Cheers again
on Mar 04, 2004
"These are historical facts. They are not pigment of the imagination of a troll or one with no moral scruples."

I'm afraid the "fact" that Aristide and Hitler belong to the same group or love to be called by "one name" really is an imagination of yours. Whether you are a troll, I do not know.

"If you have proof that this are not true lay them on the discussion table."

If I have proof that WHAT isn't true? I didn't claim that Hitler or Stalin didn't call themselves "socialist". So don't try to change the subject to that question. I simply told you what "Nationalsozialismus" means and why it isn't the same as "Sozialismus" (as in Marxism). Whether or not you consider Stalin an honest source is your decision to make, not mine.

"And for once let's be civil about this without calling each other names."

I didn't call you any names. I merely told you that what you wrote can be seen in at least two different ways. I do not believe that you really are a smart cynic nor that you were an ignorant troll. But since you STILL seem to want to insist that any regime you don't like is "socialism", without any regard to the fact that "socialists" were usually the victims of these regimes, there is nothing I can do, except tell you that I consider this an insult to the victims of fascism.

After 911 many anti-American lefties told me that the attack was ok since Americans are also religious fundamentalists. I considered that an insult to Americans too and I said as much. It is up to you whether you want to behave like a European anti-Americanist left-wing looney, only with a different target, or whether you want to give your arguments some weight.

P.S.: "Soviet" means "elected council". Do you think there were (real) elections in Russia at the time? Do you think the "Soviet Republics" were "republics"? If you were consistent you would say that there were and they were, since Stalin said so. (And no, I do not make any claims regarding any of these positions. I was merely talking about your grouping together fascists and their victims as "socialists".)
on Mar 04, 2004
Going back to the first poster. I want to get this straight. First the President acted too swiftly in Iraq, he didn't build a coalition that included France and Germany, and he also made the Iraqis moving any WMD's have to work faster to get rid of everything. Now according to Kerry “He's late, as usual. This president always makes decisions late after things have happened that could have been different had the president made a different decision earlier.” So now he went into Haiti too late like he always does? I'm really confused, please clarify. If I'm understanding this Bush takes far too long to do anything and acts much too swiftly?
on Mar 05, 2004
If I'm understanding this Bush takes far too long to do anything

No, he jumps the gun with the wrong thing and takes far too long to do the right thing.
on Mar 06, 2004
So, BulbousHead, what are you doing with your tax return?
on Mar 06, 2004
So, BulbousHead, what are you doing with your tax return?

on Mar 06, 2004
The same thing I do every year with my tax return, pay for one kids college education, a home loan, two car payments, and a father in a retirement home. What's your point? If my father got more social security I wouldn't have to pay as much, and if the government had surpluses instead of deficits they could pay off the debt, which would permanently lower taxes by the way.

on Mar 08, 2004

My question?:
What do you call those brave guys armed with guns who declared United States free culminating on July 4, 1776?

Your answer:
They weren't defending or establishing democracy, that's for sure. Did the people vote on the Revolutionary War?

My next question:
It appears that your definition of democracy is where the people vote somebody to govern them. Would you consider this a democracy?


on Mar 08, 2004

My question?:
What do you call those brave guys armed with guns who declared United States free culminating on July 4, 1776?

Your answer:
They weren't defending or establishing democracy, that's for sure. Did the people vote on the Revolutionary War?

My next question:
It appears that your definition of democracy is where the people vote somebody to govern them. Would you consider this a democracy?


on Mar 08, 2004
Ummm, yes, actually, democracy is voting for something to occur. A revolution is rarely a democratic process.

on Mar 08, 2004
It appears that your definition of democracy is where the people vote somebody to govern them.

No, that's a republic. Subjecting each decision to the will of the majority is a democracy.
on Mar 09, 2004
Going back to the initial post. After a few days ago saying Bush was once again late, Kerry said that Bush makes "bad rush decisions". So Bush rushes into the wrong things and waits for all the wrong things, and Kerry just flip flops on everything to appeal to as many groups as he can.
on Mar 10, 2004
So Bush rushes into the wrong things and waits for all the wrong things, and Kerry just flip flops on everything to appeal to as many groups as he can.

Lesser of those two evils: Kerry
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